Friday, May 25, 2007

Must reads on Liar Kyl's amnesty bill

It's here: The Bush-Kennedy amnestyReport: Potential cost = $2.5 trillionUpdated with GOP reax

To understand the bill: see here

Did you know that Mexico's population is 108 million?

If Liar Kyl had his way he would allow at least 12-20 million more into the USA over the next 20 years(600,000 a year), actually more when you consider that these 600,000 would be allowed to bring in their families!:

As written, the bill would have allowed at least 400,000, and up to 600,000 temporary workers a year. But the Senate voted overwhelmingly to slice the number to 200,000.
Senator Liar Kyl, an Arizona Republican who worked with Kennedy to negotiate the compromise, said he would push to allow more
temporary workers into the United States if they were needed.

Liar Kyl's vision for America--

Let's see 11-20 million current illegals given amnesty, they bring in their families, another 12 -20 in the next 20 years who will also be given amnesty when they overstay visas, and have babies here. ---Your looking at about --what? 30-40 million at least. That's 30- 40% of Mexico's current population (109 million) ! It also means USA population also rises 30-40%

Mexico poverty rates are somewhere between 25-30%. What a plan! Export them to USA!

Well, at least the senate reduced the number to 200,000 workers, plus their family members( I think the limit is 4) a year. Maybe only 15-20% of Mexico's population will move here in the next 20 years instead of 30%.

Immigration is the largest factor contributing to population growth in the U.S. Immigration contributes over 2.25 million people to the U.S. population annually (1.5 million legal immigrants and illegal immigrants as of 2001-2002, now estimated at 1.7 million in 2003) plus 750,000 births to immigrant woman annually).31, 38 The total foreign-born population in the U.S. is now 31.1 million, a record 57% increase since 1990. 9-11 million of those are here illegally - a 4.5 million increase since 1990.

Unless we act to change our country's immigration policies, U.S. population will double this century - practically within the lifetimes of children born today.

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