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Create the institutions necessary to sustain a North American community. We propose that the trinational summit become a regular event. Annual summit meetings among the three countries of North America will demonstrate the strategic importance of the North American community. We propose further the establishment of a North American Advisory Council to prepare and monitor action to implement the decisions made at these summits.
From The White House web page-
President Bush to Attend North American Leaders' Summit in Canada
White House News En EspaƱol
President Bush will travel to Montebello, Quebec, Canada to meet with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada and President Felipe Calderon of Mexico at the North American Leaders' Summit on August 20-21, 2007. The leaders will review progress and continued cooperation under the Security and Prosperity Partnership, as well as discuss hemispheric and global issues.
Page 10-11 of NAU Document:
Harmonization of visa and asylum regulations, including convergence of the list of "visa waiver" countries; ........
A commitment to a common approach to international negotiations related to global movement of people, cargo, and vessels "(ie-Open Borders)
The three countries should accelerate and expand implementation of existing "smart border" action plans to facilitate intra–North American travel and commerce.
The three countries should develop a secure North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers. This document would allow its bearers expedited passage through customs, immigration, and airport security throughout the region
The governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States should commit themselves to the long-term goal of dramatically diminishing the need for the current intensity of the governments’ physical control of traffic, travel, and trade within North America. (page 12).
And From the White House Web Site:
The report highlights that the SPP constitutes a "comprehensive agenda for cooperation" while "respecting the sovereignty and unique cultural and legal heritage" of each country. (sure it does, just like this immigration bill is not an Amnesty Bill.)
The President looks forward to the continuing work of the Partnership as our three countries work to implement the recommendations of the report and continue discussions on other areas of cooperation.
For more information on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, visit"
And for more on The North American Union, click.
If you are frustrated by the way the President and Senators like Liar Kyl have been ignoring and usurping the will of the people, get used do it, if they get away with this, it is only the beginning.
If you want to get a glimpse of the future behavior of our government, just take a look at the government of where all these illegal tresspasers are coming from.
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