Friday, June 8, 2007

Senator Liar Kyl's Open Border/Amnesty Bill Defeated!

This Just in: A Lying Senator from Arizona who wanted to give Amnesty to 12-20 million illegal aliens, including those who are gang members, child molesters, and those with Terrorist connections did not have his way tonight. The Bill was killed in the Senate.

Please click on link above, and thank Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama for providing the American people with the truth about what was really in the liar Kyl/Kennedy bill. You won't believe it. I think we will all understand why people have called Kyl a liar, Benedict Arnold, Judas, and Traitor, after reading -Sen. Sessions Releases List of 20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration Bill.

Senator Sessions also said:

The question really should be, is this amendment good or not good for the legitimate interests of the Nation? No one small group of people have a right to meet in secret with special interest groups and write an immigration bill and ram it down the throat of this Senate.

I oppose it. It is not right. You can agree or disagree on these amendments, but do so on the merits, whether or not it actually makes sense, not on some deal made by some advocacy group or some business interest. That is not what this Senate is all about.

I hope today the people will begin to see that a small group of Senators who meet in secret and plot out a bill, that if printed in actual bill language would be 1,000 pages, don't have the power to say we can't have amendments and we can't change it, and if you do get an amendment up, we are all going to stick together and vote it down because it doesn't comply with our little compromise.

The masters of the universe are playing a tough game here. I have called them that affectionately. I respect the Members who have attempted to do what maybe they thought was right. But when you look at the bill, it is a product of a political compromise. A group of politicians met in secret and wrote a bill that is exceedingly technical, exceedingly important.

Let me tell you who was not there in this meeting. The American people were not there. Who was advocating for the American people?......(read more, please click here)

Thank You, Mr Sessions for telling the truth, and caring for our nation.

Videos provided below for liar Kyl to view, on how the American form of government is supposed to operate. If he wants to be a Senator that is not accountable to the people, maybe he should buy a seat in the Mexican Senate.

"For it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. "(Ephesians 5:12)

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